SGCS Face Masks for Sale
Shop Online for Your SGCS Face Mask! SGCS face masks are available to purchase for just $5! Child and Adult Sizes are available. All proceeds benefit our school. Shop on our website, and if you purchase by Midnight on Wednesday, February 3 you can pick up your masks while on campus on Thursday for Picture Day! Purchases made after Wednesday can be picked up any time in the school office. A special thank you to Connie Lam, fellow SGCS parent for donating these custom masks! Contact her at classictees@sbcglobal.netfor all your mask needs!

Picture Day is February 4
Time slots are available for distance learners from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm. Appointments are being scheduled in 10 minute increments and there are 8 slots available for each appointment time.
Instructions for Arriving on Campus:
- Please pull into the gym-side parking lot using the North gate on Pine Street. A staff member will be at the gate to greet you.
- Please keep your mask on at all times.
- Pull up to the first available cone in front of the gym.
- A staff member will come to your vehicle and ask the student to enter the gym.
- Parents will need to remain in their vehicles.
- Once the picture is complete, the student will return to their vehicle.
Order your child’s photos before Picture Day! Visit: mylifetouch.com
We will be following all LA County Health Protocols. Our photographer will have a health screening upon arrival, wear a mask and will keep socially distant from our students for the entire session. We will also keep the Gym doors open to increase ventilation throughout the day.

New Website Launch!
Our website is the start of a new chapter for SGCS as we focus on improving our digital presence. We continue to update our use of technology across the campus to benefit our current parents and attract more families to our school.
Don’t forget to tell a friend about SGCS and direct them to our website. We are currently accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for your continued support of San Gabriel Christian School.

Annual Fund Update
$10,000 TO GO!We are just at $40,000 for our Annual Fund Giving. WOW!Thank you so much to everyone who has already given.Help us make our final push to the finish line!

Wacky Wednesday: Sports Dress Up!
We love Wacky Wednesdays!From supporting our very own Bulldogs, to representing the LA champs, our students had a great time celebrating our favorite teams and favorite sports!

The Arrows of Teaching the Bible
During a recent staff meeting, Middle School teacher Dan Kawakami led us through the arrows of teaching the Bible. It’s such a joy to see our staff dedicated to inspiring children to love God’s Word!