Mrs. Chesed Bialon, M.Ed., MEDL
Mrs. Chesed Bialon has worked at San Gabriel Christian School since 2006. She taught for 13 years before transitioning in 2018 to an administration position as a Teacher/Assistant Principal. Mrs. Bialon was named the Principal of San Gabriel Christian School in 2020.
Mrs. Bialon has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies Teacher Education and a minor in Bible from The Master’s University, a Master of Education degree from Azusa Pacific University and a Master of Educational Leadership degree from Azusa Pacific University. She also holds a California Teaching Credential and a California Administrative Services Credential.
Mrs. Bialon passionately leads students, staff, and the overall school community to bring glory to God, to uphold God’s word as the ultimate authority and inspired Word of God, to make disciples of Christ, and to lead with a biblical worldview, while implementing the best practices in education. She is committed to the value and importance of creating a climate where students are valued, teachers are heard and encouraged, and leadership is one of service and support.
Mrs. Bialon has a passion for education and finding ways to engage all students while pursuing academic excellence. She has a strong personal conviction that all learners should be successful and that SGCS can help find a way to make this possible for every student on campus.
In her free time, Mrs. Bialon enjoys visiting Yosemite with her husband, reading biographies and children’s books, and playing with her adorable labradoodle Georgie. Her favorite verse is Psalm 34:8, and it is her desire that all our students would taste and see that the Lord is good!
Mrs. Chris Sykes, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Chris Sykes grew up in El Centro, California and moved to this area to attend college. She started teaching at San Gabriel Christian School in 1986 and attending San Gabriel Community Church in 1994.
Prior to teaching at San Gabriel Christian School, Mrs. Sykes taught preschool and Kindergarten as well as summer science classes in kindergarten to eighth grade. At SGCS she taught second grade and Kindergarten before moving into the position of Director of Curriculum and Instruction and then into the position of Assistant Principal. In 2005, Mrs. Sykes became the SGCS Summer Program administrator. The program is open to children of the community as an outreach and has over 350 students throughout the summer.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science and Teacher Education and a minor in Bible from Azusa Pacific University and a Master of Educational Leadership degree from Point Loma University. She also holds a California Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and a California Early Childhood Specialist Credential.
Mrs. Sykes loves diving into curriculum and discovering new and hands-on ways for students to learn. She also participates in the San Gabriel Valley Consortium as a mentor teacher to support newer teachers working to complete their teacher credentialing programs. Her nickname is Chris- Can-Do-It.
Mrs. Sykes enjoys all types of needlework and sewing, is the family historian and genealogist and loves to travel to places where history comes alive. Chris lives in Temple City with her husband and miniature GoldenDoodle – Ruby. Mrs. Sykes and her husband Steve have an adult daughter Lauren who attended San Gabriel Christian School Kindergarten through eighth grade.
Her two favorite verses are Proverbs 3:5-6 and Jeremiah 29:11.